Thursday, April 10, 2014

Cully Day 7 - Festival

We started off after dinner, Jean-Claude and I, in the Off Festival at Caveau Mélanie Weber listening to Barrio Oscuro.

It's not French, it's not German. Ah, it's Spanish. They are singing in Spanish. I don't even want to try to wake up the Spanish part of my brain from junior high school. It might spill over and wipe out my 20 words of French. The music sounds great and she sings with such passion.

Then over to Das Schlagzeug to hear Oggy and the Phonics.

I think that's Oggy with the saxophone. There's also a guitar player on the right who didn't make it into my picture. I was standing too close to get them all in frame. It was cool. Groove plus melody. Harmony even with the clarinet and saxophone!

Des Gaufres started calling to us. It's nearby. Maybe you can smell the waffles in this club. Tonight Jean-Claude ordered off the secret menu--waffles with cinnamon and grand marnier! I thought I was in love with waffles before!

Next off to Sweet Basile to hear Gabriele Pezzoli on their sweet piano.

There's a drummer also, but I sat in the front row without remembering that would limit my ability to get them all in a picture. Classic piano trio, but no standards that I recognized. But definitely music I recognized as jazz. Fortunately Gabriele didn't sing. I think Italian on top of French and Spanish would have turned my brain to mush. And the grand marnier was already doing a fine job of that.

We ended the night at Caveau des Vignerons where the jam session was heating up. There were lots of people sitting in and a good crowd.

It went well past 1am, but I didn't. The wine and the walk in the sun caught up to me.

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