Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Italy Day 2 (Catacombs)

The Rome City Tour wasn't enough for us this morning. So we signed up for the Magic of Rome tour this afternoon. First stop - the catacombs.

Taking pictures is not allowed, so all we have is this picture of the sign. Didn't Eva do a great job framing this photo? Oh wait, I cropped it. Didn't I do a lousy job cropping this photo?

If you've seen any of the Indiana Jones movies then you've seen what the catacombs look like. They just don't have any bodies in them. Most of them were looted long ago and those that weren't are still sealed. There are just lots of hallways and small rooms with insets carved into them that look like Japanese capsule hotels. They would wrap the bodies in shrouds and place them in there and brick up the front. Yes, the Romans invented bricks too and cement.

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